“Irregular at Magical High School” Movie’s Second Fan Screening sets in October

Singapore-based movie distribution company Odex Private Limited announced on Wednesday that they have scheduled the Japan import fan’s screening for anime movie The Irregular at Magic High School: The Girl Who Calls the Stars this October.

This will be the movie’s second fan screening in the Philippines and it is scheduled on October 7 , 5PM at SM Megamall Cinema 11.

Movie ticket is worth Php2,000 which includes Japan import items like a Shikishi board, 6 mini-Shikishi, 3 Japanese novels and an A4 Plastic cover. Other items included are an A2 movie poster, Paper Bag, and 3 Signature cards from the voice actors of Tatsuya, Miyuki and Kokoa.

Tickets are now available online at SM Cinema website.

The first Fan’s Screening is scheduled on September 30 while the general screening is set on October 11.

The Irregular at Magic High School The Movie was released in Japan last June 17.

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