“Murai In Love” anime debuts on Disney+

The highly anticipated anime adaptation of the popular manga series Murai In Love premiered today, September 4, exclusively on Disney+. This new series, set in modern-day Japan, brings humor and romance to the forefront as it follows a high school sophomore’s bold attempts to win his homeroom teacher’s affection.

The plot centers on Murai, a high school student who discovers that his teacher, Ayano Tanaka, harbors feelings for a character from a video game. Determined to capture her heart, Murai begins to emulate the character, leading to a series of comedic and unpredictable events.

“Murai In Love” features notable voice actors, including Kengo Takanashi as Murai, Yoko Hikasa as Ayano Tanaka, and Nobunaga Shimazaki as the game character Hitotose. The anime is directed by Yoshinobu Yamakawa, known for his work on Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, with the screenplay penned by Junta Shima.

This exclusive Disney+ release is part of a broader offering of Japanese anime available on the platform, joining titles like The Fable and Go! Go! Loser Ranger!.

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