Japanese anime production company Aniplex has revealed a 30-second teaser trailer and visual for its upcoming project, an anime film adaptation of the novel Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai (I Want to Eat Your Pancreas).
Based on a novel of the same name written by Yoru Sumino, the novel follows an unnamed narrator who find a diary belonging to his classmate Sakura Yamuchi. The narrator, after reading the diary, found out that Sakura is suffering from a pancreatic disease and only has few months to live. Sakura is also hiding her condition from her classmates. The narrator promises to keep her secret and decide to be with her during her last few months.
A live-action film of the same name was released in Japan last July 28 starring Shun Oguri, Takumi Kitamura and Minami Hamabe.
The anime movie is scheduled to release in Japan in 2018.