Television anime series “The Misfit of Demon King Academy: History’s Strongest Demon King Reincarnates and Goes to School with His Descendants” is coming to ANIPLUS Asia this Summer.
ANIPLUS Asia made the announcement on their official Facebook page last Friday.
The series premieres on July 4 at 24:00. New episodes airs every Saturday with encore run on the next day at 9:00 PM.
“The Misfit of Demon King Academy” is based on a 2017 web novel series created by Shu . It was then adapted into a manga series in 2018.
The synopsis of the anime series is as follows:
A ruthless demon king is reincarnated after 2000 years, but his aptitude at the academy which nurtures demon kings is… “inept”?!
Tired of the endless strifes while destroying humans, spirits and even gods, the ruthless demon king Anos Voldigoad reincarnates with the desire of seeing a peaceful world. However, upon his reincarnation 2000 years into the future, the world sees an extreme decline in magical powers as his descendants, now used to world peace, are greatly weakened.
Anos joins the “Demon King Academy”, where demon king reincarnate candidates are being nurtured. However, the academy sees no potential in his capabilities which leads to his label as a misfit. Moreover, the legendary demon king in everyone’s knowledge is far from who Anos used to be.
Along with Misha, his servant and the only girl who showed him kindness despite the discrimination, Anos races up the hierarchy as the misfit of the demon king academy!!
“Be it providence, fate, or miracles—they can just grovel before me and get lost.”
ANIPLUS Asia is available on local cable television via Skycable and over-the-top video streaming site Sky-on-Demand.
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