The renowned manga “Yu Yu Hakusho,” created by the legendary Yoshihiro Togashi, is set to come to life in a live-action adaptation exclusively on Netflix starting December 14. Initially serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump in 1990, the original manga captivated readers for four years. The series is widely known in the Philippines as Ghostfighter.
This adaptation, which has been five years in the making, promises to breathe new life into the beloved story. Fans, both old and new, can look forward to encountering their favorite characters in unprecedented ways, as an international dream team utilized cutting-edge CG and VFX technologies to bring the epic tale to the screen.
Netflix adopted a unique global one-team production strategy, drawing talent from both Japan and the United States. This approach, previously successful with “ONE PIECE,” highlights the streaming giant’s commitment to maintaining quality and authenticity. Scanline VFX, a world-renowned VFX studio celebrated for its work on major Hollywood productions, played a pivotal role in bringing the characters—human and yokai (spirits)—to life while ensuring realistic battle action sequences.
The production team painstakingly ensured that every character’s emotions were accurately portrayed, emphasizing a fusion of state-of-the-art technology and a passion for honoring the source material. This blend positions the “Yu Yu Hakusho” adaptation as a standout in the realm of live-action anime.
Directed by Sho Tsukikawa and featuring an esteemed cast including Takumi Kitamura, Jun Shison, Kanata Hongo, and Shuhei Uesugi, this much-anticipated live-action adaptation is set to hit Netflix on December 14, 2023.
See: Netflix releases teaser, cast of live-action ‘Ghostfighter’