The hit TV series “Tokyo MER” is now a film that will be shown exclusively at Ayala Malls Cinemas starting November 22. The film, produced by Masanao Takahashi and directed by Aya Matsuki, follows the adventures of a team of emergency doctors who use a high-tech ER car to save lives.
The movie stars Ryohei Suzuki as the lead doctor of Tokyo MER, Jesse from SixTONES as his trainee, and Anne Watanabe as the chief doctor of Yokohama MER. The story takes place two years after the TV series, when a massive fire breaks out at the Yokohama Landmark Tower, putting the lives of many people in danger.
The film is a tribute to the pandemic heroes who risked their lives to help others. It also showcases the realistic emergency setting and the advanced ER car, which were created with the collaboration of medical and fire department experts.
The film is distributed by Warner Bros. and presented by Encore Films. You can book your tickets at and follow @ayalamallscinemas on social media for updates. Don’t miss this action-packed movie that celebrates the courage and dedication of the emergency heroes.
See also: “City Hunter The Movie: Angel Dusk” hits SM Cinema Nov 8