Pokémon UNITE, the popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game, has announced its upcoming Asia Champions League (ACL) in the Philippines. The event will feature 256 teams from across the region competing for a chance to win a USD 20,000 prize pool and qualify for the ACL 2024 APAC and Finals in Bangkok.
The ACL PH will be held in a four-day online format, starting from December 2 to December 10. The first two days will be the qualifiers, where teams will face off in a single elimination with a best-of-three format. The top eight teams will advance to the playoffs, which will run a double elimination format on December 9 and December 10.
Three pro teams will be seeded going into the ACL PH Playoffs, joining the five teams that make it through the qualifiers. The two finalists will earn a spot in the ACL 2024 APAC and Finals, where they will compete against the best teams from other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The ACL PH will be live-streamed on the Dark League Studio Facebook page.
Pokémon UNITE is a free-to-play game that allows players to control their favorite Pokémon characters and team up with their friends for thrilling 5-vs-5 battles. The game combines the strategic gameplay mechanics of MOBA games with the immersive and action-packed world of Pokémon. Pokémon UNITE is available for download on the Nintendo Switch and mobile devices.